It is much easier to deal with couples who decide to intervene before the damage has grown. With the aid of couple therapy, you can easily discover what is causing the conflicts and revive the love that would or might have faded. A therapist will help single out the strength of a couple’s long-term relationship.

So, how to know if you need couple therapy? All relationships are different. Experts do say it generally boils down to certain issues. Explained below are some of the signs you as a couple should take into consideration for couple counseling.

Avoid Senseless Arguments with Couple Therapy

If you and your partner find it difficult to be in the same house without arguing about anything, it can be a great problem for you to be around each other. And if you know that if your partner does not change, you will have the same arguments again and again to infinity, run to an expert! The therapist will help you solve that issue as well as identifying others you may not have noticed.

Lack of Romance

When was the last time you and your partner kissed? If one person is sexually unsatisfied in a relationship, it is a big problem for the couple. One of the most likely causes couples seek therapy is because they are unhappy with their sex.

To a greater part, libido plays a role: a partner who wants more intimacy than the other feels rejected by their partner, who can then feel pressured. These types of problems can be so frustrating to couples. Most couples avoid talking about it because it may lead to senseless arguments. On the other hand, they realize it is creating tension in their long-term relationship. A couple’s therapist can help you navigate the awkward discussion and discover solutions that suit both partners.

Couple Therapy Fixes Communication

When was the last time you and your partner had a really good conversation? I don’t mean a simple “how was your day?” or “what to do for dinner?” I imply a real discussion that includes both talking and listening. When talking to each other becomes difficult, negative, or one-sided, couples should seek help.

Communication is at the root of most couple’s conflicts. One person usually doesn’t feel heard, and the other partner tries to fix the problem instead of listening. Avoid using the phrase “you” and instead use the pronoun “I”. Resist using the terms “always” and “never”. Don’t make sweeping statements. Smooth communication isn’t easy – it is where the couple’s therapist intervenes as a neutral third party.

couple therapy fixes communication

Being Unfair to Your Partner

A large number of people do it. Turning on notifications for every post your ex makes on social media may seem to be harmless behavior. However, these little flirtations transform into inappropriate emotional intimacy. Those emotional betrayals with someone outside the relationship can also be a red flag of a relationship problem.

Another Partner is Thinking of Breaking Up

When a relationship is no longer functioning properly, breaking up may seem to be a solution, even if you have been with your partner for many years. This is when you visualize the steps of quitting. There are quite a number of couples who visit the therapist because they want to split up in the best way possible. Couple therapy can be used for a healthier divorce, or it can also be used to prevent one.

Therefore, if you are in a situation where your partner wants to split up, and you do not, consider counseling. Simply showing up for couples’ therapy is daring and hazardous, and focusing your attention on your partnership and committing to couples’ treatment is an intervention in and of itself.

Extreme Jealousy? Seek Couple Therapy

Does your partner screen your calls, text messages, or go through phone or social media history while you are away? Does he or she get mad when you want to go out and have fun with your friends? If this is happening to you, these are actually signs of extreme jealousy.

However, if you make use of the services of a couple’s therapist and work through your past, your suspicions, and your insecurities, you can essentially figure out the red flags of your relationship and have a chance to re-establish trust.

You Have Undergone a Major Change

The majority of people need extra help when adjusting to changes. Those changes are from dating to commitment, casual sex to monogamy, from partners to parents. Anything that affects the status quo is more challenging to adapt.

visit couple therapist

Searching for a consistent rhythm in an uncertain time can be the life raft, which carries you and your partner to calmer waters. Talking to your partner about the changes, and getting to know how your partner has handled (or struggled) with the change will give you a clearer picture of how to move on with your relationship.

You Feel Like You’re Not in a Relationship

This one is complex to pinpoint because it is likely to occur over some time and might also involve manipulation from your partner. However, there are patterns you can look for to see if it applies to you.  As an illustration, it is happening if you notice escaping your relationship and seeking help from your friends or swallowing your words often in the presence of your partner.

If you have a suspicion that you feel like you are not in a relationship anymore, you can always ask a third party or visit a couple’s therapy for assistance.

You Feel Lonely

Loneliness is an anticipated side effect of being alone. But when it affects your relationship, it becomes a bigger problem. How can you tell if you are lonely in a relationship? You feel no support, you aren’t that affectionate, and you no longer communicate with your partner.

If you can identify some of these behaviors, you might be lonely and require a visit to a couple’s therapy with immediate effect. With the aid of therapists, you can find a safe place to bring out those lost feelings to the attention of your lovely partner.

Faced Infidelity? You’re in Need of Couple Therapy!

As loving partners, you hope that infidelity is something, which you will not come across in your relationship. Yet affairs occur more often than we may think. If you have had an affair, or you discovered that your partner has had a lover, you and your partner should schedule a time to visit the couple’s therapy.

Affairs involve dramatic and emotional responses you and your partner will find difficult to discuss. Therefore, it is advisable to visit couples therapy. Without intervention, you and your partner are in danger of falling into vicious cycles, such as jealousy and suspicions.

Winding Up

Of course, one can only seek counseling if he/she has a partner, right? Find your ideal mate today at Wickedlist for free and start building your rock-solid relationship that will last a lifetime. Whatever you’re into, from casual sex dates to long-term partnerships, this revolutionary online dating platform has your back all over the US!