There’s never an age when we are too old to date. And, as much as the elder singles may try to stick to the old-fashioned ways, the dating scenes tend to adapt to the new trends: from the hangout spots, the bedroom specifics, and, more importantly, the general lingo.

With the internet taking over all niches of our lives, both casual and long-term dating has been a casualty and, simultaneously, a beneficiary of internet growth. Getting a date has never been this easy ever. With just a couple of clicks, you can meet your soulmate or, more often than not, the best one night stand you will ever get on online dating sites. That is the beauty of millennial dating. However, without the full low down on what is happening in the dating landscape, the internet, and everything else will not really help improve your dating fortunes.

Whether you’re a millennial, gen-z, or any generation really, navigating dating sites and meeting up with your targets for casual sex or long-term relationships require a bit of perception and modern lingo skills. Let’s take a quick look at some of the crucial current dating trends/language!

Keanu-ing as One of Weirdest Dating Trends

There is no arguing that Keanu Reaves is one of the most famous stars both on and off-screen, and when he pulled up with Alexander Grant (an unexpected move), nearly everyone went into a frenzy. They just couldn’t help but draw a term from the situation, and Keanu-ing was just perfect. The term simply refers to two people that everyone thought would never be together actually dating. It is a great trend to start with because, in this modern-day, you can have absolutely anyone you want, absolutely anyone! With these online dating platforms, you just have to master the art of getting asked out on dates better, and you’re ready to go!

Warning! Yellow Carding!

The next thing on our list that has been common in relationships, especially recently, is yellow carding. Yellow carding simply refers to calling out your partner for some bad relationship etiquette. It includes simple rude answers to even abuse. For instance, when you are Keanu-ed with that person that is way-out of your league, and they start blue-ticking you, you can just ‘yellow card’ them and tell them you do not appreciate how they are acting. Communication has always been the main factor in healthy long-term relationships. As such, it is imperative to yellow card your partner when you feel like some unjust acts going on rather than keep it bottled in.

Fleabagging. Are You Really Again?!

No matter how many dating options are available, there are just some people that always fall for the wrong person. Now, that is exactly what Fleabegging generally refers to. It had as always been there, and it is one thing that is not going anyway, there’s just a new term for it! Fleabegging might demotivate you and make you feel like dating is hell, but cementing your preferences and dating only people that fit those preferences can save you from the scourge that is fleabagging.

Getting Glamboozled – Worst of Dating Trends

It is probably the most common trends in the millennium. Getting that “I am sorry, I can no longer make it tonight” text after putting on your best suit and booking an expensive reservation is exactly what being glamboozled means. If you haven’t experienced it yet, chances are it’s coming to you soon, and don’t take it personally if it does because it has happened to the best of us. It’s pretty common if you are essentially a casual sex couple, perhaps trying to stretch things to become more serious.

Of course, glamboozling is a bad idea: telling someone that you are not interested in them isn’t pleasant too, but it’s a better idea of showing that you don’t want to meet up. If confrontation is not your thing, you can simply deploy smart breakup tactics to escape the relationship rather than string your partner along!

Jekylling. Sweet Lies Being Among Modern Dating Trends

In this modern-day, someone can go from sweet flattering comments to outright vulgar insults in seconds if you don’t accept their advances. It is what jekylling is all about. Jellyking is showing a perfect side of yourself and then eventually showing a side that is entirely the opposite. Jekylling is very common: once people get what they want from a relationship, chances are they will start to show a completely different side of themselves. Another common sign of casual sex agendas taken too far, i.e. someone who’s willing to pretend to be interested in a long-term relationship just to get laid!

Eclipsing – Sweetest of Dating Trends Ever

Ever dated someone, and you start falling in love with their hobbies and interest? Well, it is very common. Lately, most of our hobbies are in some way aligned, so it is easy to get accustomed to someone else’s hobbies. If you have ever done this, you were probably eclipsing without knowing it. Eclipsing is actually a good thing in a long-term relationship since it brings you closer to your partner. Just be sure that you do not lose yourself in the process.

modern online dating trends

Who Hasn’t Heard about Catfishing in 2020?

Of all the bad things that come with online dating, Catfishing is one of the worst. Imagine investing time, emotion, and energy only to realize that the person you thought you were made for is a made-up non-existent character, well, you do not imagine because in 2020 catfishing does that just to you. Catfishing is just someone you meet online, pretending to be someone they are not. Online dating apps and social media networks have tried to make it a little bit safer, but it still remains crucial for everyone in the dating scene to practice proper dating habits that help avoid such a nasty experience.

Flatlining. Uninterested

There is always that time when a conversation with someone is just not going the way you hoped it would because someone is not holding up their end of the exchange. Those conclusive responses that lock you up mentally and lead to the long response time. That just shows the conversation is dead, and there is a flatline. It is what the trend flatlining is all about. Flatlining is very common, and once you feel like the conversation is dead, move on before you lose your dignity!

Ghosting. Say Goodbye

It is one of the most popular trends that have lasted for generations. Ghosting is when someone just abruptly disconnects from you without notice. They don’t reply, pick up your calls, or visit – they just disappear. It is one of the most painful things that you can come across on the dating scene, and there is rarely any way to avoid it. If someone wants to ghost you, they are going to do it regardless of how good you are to them, don’t take it personally.


This a rather advanced and in a way more friendly form of ghosting. Before someone completely goes MIA, they inform you first. You do not need to worry about why they are not responding to your texts or picking up your call. They make it clear to you. At least here you get to grieve and move on rather than keep an eye on your phone waiting for that call or text that never comes!

online dating apps and websites

Feeling ready to jump back in the dating pool? Remember, most of the ‘bad stuff’ on the modern dating landscape is a result of improper date matching. All that can be avoided easily by dating someone ideally matched to your interests through dating categories and personalized ads. Head over to Wickedlist! Say hello to a new era of finding ideal dates and hook-ups wherever you are!