Premature ejaculation is a common problem that most men go through. It can be quite a turn-off and make sex for you and your partner a bore. By the way, it can easily rank as one of the most awkward things to happen during sex. The problem has become quite common in younger men, and you have every reason to be concerned about premature ejaculation. It’s something you need to understand whether you are dating casually or if you are in a long-term relationship.

Most men have complained that due to premature ejaculation, they have failed to make women cum, and we know you wouldn’t want that. The good news is that there are certain things you can do to prevent premature ejaculation.

What Causes Premature Ejaculation?

There are a couple of factors that might cause premature ejaculation. In some instances, it might be a combination of factors. Some of these factors include:

Medical Problems. Don’t Put Off Next Visit to the Doctor!

There are dozen, meaning that you inherit them from your father. Premature ejaculation might be a sign of an underlying problem. Some of the medical conditions that might lead to premature ejaculation include high testosterone levels and thyroid problems. It is exactly why it is a good idea to visit a doctor if your premature ejaculation problem continues to persist.

Lack of Experience Could Lead to Premature Ejaculation

One thing that is also a major cause of premature ejaculation is experience. Experience does matter, and the more you have sex, the more likely you are going to last long. There are a lot of factors involved when it comes to the male climax, and one of those is excitement. It is why, during first-time sex, you will climax pretty quickly. If you have ever been on online casual dating sites like backpage and craigslist, you have probably come across the whole experience talk. It is true. If it’s your first time having sex, and you climax pretty quickly, you do not need to be hard on yourself. It is just your body getting used to sex. It is exactly why you are more likely to last longer during the second round than the first.

Depression and Anxiety. Fix This, and Forget about Premature Ejaculation!

Sex is more mental than physical. If your mind is not in the right place, chances are you are going to climax very quickly. These are some underlying conditions that might be resulting in premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation might be a sign that you have these underlying mental health problems. It makes it imperative to visit your doctor regularly.

what causes premature ejaculation and how to fix it

Tips to Last Longer in Bed

The goal during sex is to enjoy the moment as much as possible, and the longer the sex session, the more likely you are going to enjoy it. There are dozens of things you can do to ensure that you do not climax prematurely. These include:

Using Barrier

One of the easiest ways to lengthen your sex sessions is by using a barrier during sex. Hypersensitivity is a leading cause of premature ejaculation, and having a barrier between you and your partner will decrease the sensitivity of your penis. The barrier can be either a female or male condom, depending on your preference. The best is the barrier will not only make you last longer, but it will also protect you from STIs and unwanted pregnancies.

Talk about safe pleasure. For older men seeking women, or older men seeking men, this is actually ideal because it helps avoid interference with your body if you are taking other medication.

Counseling and Therapy

We have already highlighted that premature ejaculation might occur as a result of some mental health problems. If this is the cause of your premature ejaculation, the best thing you can do for yourself is to get some counseling. Therapy is a real solution for you, and it will do you a lot of good both for premature climax problems and your mental health. Some counselors are professionally trained to deal with bedroom issues, and due to their professional experience, chances are you will easily get past your problem.

There is no shame in seeking a listening ear, getting therapy, and resolving those problems to live a happy life to the fullest. If you are a fan of casual dates, you really need to go for counseling because you definitely will not have time to explain what the hell is going on with you after casual sex. If you are dating for the long term, it is a good idea to go to the therapy session with your partner.


The other problem that might be related to fast orgasm is your fitness level. Although issues to do with climax are mostly mental, your physical fitness is essential since sex in itself is a physical act. Dozens of exercise routines are solely there to improve the time you last in bed. Pelvic muscle exercises will help you master the art of delaying ejaculation. Weak pelvic muscles make it very difficult to delay ejaculations.

Pause Squeeze Method

If you get into sex, and you want to last as long as possible, this method is a must-try. The pause-squeeze method is very simple. All you have to do is have sex until you reach a point where you feel you are about to climax. Once you reach it, take your penis and squeeze it at the tip. Continue doing it until the feeling of climax passes. Once you no longer feel like you are about to cum, you can continue to have sex. When you feel like you are about to ejaculate again, you can repeat the process altogether. This method works, but it takes a lot of discipline.

premature ejaculation solution

The other problem with the pause-squeeze technique is that it kind of kills the rhythm of the whole sex session. Taking breaks in between sex is not one of the things your partner is likely going to enjoy.

Numbing Medications

Numbing creams partially block the nerves that make you feel pleasure or pain. These numbing medications exist in different forms. They can be either creams or pills, but in all its forms, the effect is pretty much the same. The numbing medication will make your penis less sensitive, and in turn, will make sure that you do not feel the full sensation of the sex session. Although it will make you last longer, it is still a good idea to always give your partner a heads up that you are going to be on numb medication. Although, before taking any drugs, please, consult with a doctor and, of course, make sure that you’ve tried everything mentioned before medications.

Remember, the basic idea behind sex is to enjoy. You do not have to overthink about premature ejaculation because, ironically, just thinking about it can also result in you climaxing a little too quickly. The secret is also finding someone that will understand you. From men seeking a woman to women seeking a man, there is no better online dating site to find one than Wickedlist. Whether you are looking for some casual sex or a long-term relationship, Wickedlist has you covered!