You might be a casual dater who’s handsome and chivalrous enough to get a woman to come home with you after a specific number of dates (which can vary depending on your techniques), but if your place smells like day-old Taco Bell, with old underwear lying around on the couch and half-eaten cheeseburgers stuck between mattresses, then your date will leave as quickly as she came.
To avoid getting spat on right in front of your door, here is a simple guide that will help you bring home the girl of your dreams for some knee-trembling, balls deep, jelly-rolling sexual encounters.
Relationship Tips if You Want to Invite Her Over
Firstly, how do you know it’s time? Well, you will have to look for the signs. For example, is it still interesting to talk to her? Do you wear a mask when she’s around? If yes, I’ve got some bad news for you. However, if it’s your fifth date, and you still like each other, don’t hesitate and ask her to come over.
What to Do with Your Apartment if You Want to Find Love
If you are clumsy and untidy, there is a good chance your place needs a good ole’ cleaning. You could tell me to buzz off and hire a proper cleaner, but we both know that cleanliness requires regular maintenance. There will be quite a lot for you to do, so sit back and listen. A casual date should have a proper ending.
How does it smell?
Living in a place for quite a long time can make your nose accustomed to the smell. I would advise you to invite your sociopath friend over, someone who is insensitive, they will definitely constructively criticize and analyze the way your house smells. If you want to maintain a long term relationship, make sure your place is not stinky, it does make a difference for most women!
How to make the smell go away?
That shouldn’t be a question, you need to get off your clumsy ass and take out the trash that has been lying around there for centuries. Check every corner of your house and clean any unwanted, disposable items. That stinky scent is preserved on the floor and in the walls, so clean those too if you can. Pay extra attention to bed linen – and yes, I know you think it can be there for several months. Girls won’t agree, so go and wash it!
Open your windows!
Anyone seeking a girl should know: ventilation is key to keep your place smelling fresh. Open your windows and let that fresh breeze blow in. Get one of those automatic air-fresheners as well. They will add to the freshness of the air. I recommend you go for the more natural odors like the sea breeze or pine forest. Girls are true fanatics of those.
Clean up the mess
Women usually aren’t fond of seeing filth lying around. So, clean up every inch of your place, putting things in order and where they belong. Do the dishes, keep your kitchen cabinets organized, and remember to put everything in place. That’s a must for any man seeking a woman. Those tissues on the table and next to the bed, we both know what they were for, and it’s high time they were gone, too. Have any plants? I doubt it, but if you do, give the guys some water finally! The dead ones should go forever not to spoil the view.
Get rid of the food leftovers!
I know it’s hard to let that cheeseburger go, but it does stink and make your place look and smell like a big trash bin. It’s time to say goodbye to half of the stuff in your refrigerator if you want the girl to be all yours tonight!
The Bathroom
The one-room that you and I both know needs badass cleaning is your bathroom. It’s deprived of your attention, and the stains on the sink are proof. Make sure the sink, your toilet seat, and the bathtub are sparkling white, you must have seen one of those toothpaste commercials. Scrub every corner with bleach, leaving not even a single stain behind. You can keep an air freshener there as well to remove the smell of your poo.
Long Term Relationship Advice: Buy Candles!
Get scented candles, light them around, and enjoy. They are cheap, and you can get a variety of scents that reflect your male bravado, but investing in some quality candles would be wise for you to do. On top of that, you must have seen dozens of those super romantic and sentimental movies where a girl is proposed to in a room full of candles. Well, this is what they really wait from you, so you’d better get some and decorate your modest shelter.
Other ways to prepare for your sexy sleepover
Have a dance with her to set the right mood, even if it’s casual dating. Grab all your extra hoodies, extra shirts, and extra sheets because you will surely need them after some crazy humping so that your significant other can sleep with some layers on. I prefer sleeping completely naked when I am with my dear, but it varies from day to day. Having extra toothbrushes can help you in the morning because you don’t want her to eat her breakfast with morning breath. Cotton swabs and hair-clips can come in handy as well. Make sure you and your girlfriend sleep on the fresh bed linen, this is something she will certainly take into account!
Why am I doing this?
That should be no brainer, but since you asked, you are doing this because you are a responsible, mature adult, who is disciplined, can organize his stuff, and women that he indulges himself with feel safe and composed in his presence, so shut the hell up do these above-mentioned techniques so that you can ask her if she enjoyed, and she kisses you in return.
What Else to Do to Preserve Relationships for the Long Term?
It all really depends on what you say to her. There is a range of things you can say to create the right atmosphere, like making complements, explaining why you like her, and letting her know you enjoy her presence. At the end of the day, women love with their ears!
And that’s about our advice to make her stay at your place pleasurable and unforgettable. To find out more tips and tricks on how to win her heart, visit our website, and educate yourself at ease.
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