Lifestyle, Health, Relationship & Sex Advice
How to Make Your Boss Fall in Love with You
We know that relationships in the office are considered to be taboo and unprofessional, even for casual daters. But there is no need for you to miss out on what the heart really wants. Who knows? Maybe, that is the way that you were supposed to find your soulmate at...
Keeping Up with Modern Sex Trends
If you feel your sex game is a little rusty, then you are definitely in the right place. Sex continues to evolve, and with dozens of terms being coined almost every day to keep up with all the emerging trends, it can be pretty difficult to stay on top of the sex game....
Plowing Back Fields – Explore Anal Sex
Sex is amazing, and no one can argue about that, but without a little spicing up, it can somewhat become repetitive and eventually boring. The good news is there are so many ways to make sex exciting every time. Whether it’s a long term relationship or just some funky...
Keeping Up with Modern Dating Trends
There’s never an age when we are too old to date. And, as much as the elder singles may try to stick to the old-fashioned ways, the dating scenes tend to adapt to the new trends: from the hangout spots, the bedroom specifics, and, more importantly, the general lingo....
Casual Dating – Modern Pitfall or Great Alternative!
The prospect of having casual sex on a whim with none of the frills of a long-term relationship can be pretty tempting. In all honesty, it's totally a sweet prospect considering the pain that we often have to endure in these committed relationships at times. After...
Dominatrix Experience – BDSM at Its Best!
Sex without a bit of inventive fun is pretty boring, especially for committed couples in a long-term relationship with no prospects of ever having different encounters again. Similarly, casual sex encounters that consist of regular missionary positions can also be...
Male G-Spot – Hidden Gem for Sex Explorations
Everyone fantasizes about getting the best sexual experience ever... That moment when you climax on an orgasm that makes your whole body tingle and shiver with unimaginable pleasure. It is something every man and woman needs, whether you’re having steamy casual sex...
How to Breakup Smart – Making Clean Relationship Exit!
Despite what Hollywood portrays, relationships have their ups and downs, and it takes a lot to keep up with those downs. Sometimes, it just takes too much to keep a long-term relationship afloat, and one just can’t keep up. Does it, therefore, mean that you should...
Spicing Up Your Sex Life – Long Term Relationships
There is often a common problem, especially with long term relationships, whereby one partner or both partners tend to progressively lose interest in sex. It’s a bit typical of human nature to grow complacent and lose fervor in the repetitive acts. However, it’s...
Toxic Relationships and How to Leave Them
Toxic relationships are very dangerous, yet people rarely recognize that they are in one until it is too late. The psychological and sometimes physical pain that comes with toxic relationships is overwhelming. As such, we’re going to dive into what toxic relationships...
BDSM – Art of Sexual Exploration
BDSM has existed for years, but it is a topic most people used to shy away from, but their inner fantasies always yearned for it. There are dozens of exciting things, elements to it... And we’re going to dive into the main basics and some of the popular intricacies...
Safe Sex, or How to Keep it Sexy and Safe
Whether it is a hookup or a long term relationship, sex is an integral and exciting part. But, recently, there has been an increase in very dangerous STIs and also a spike in unplanned pregnancies. The good thing is you can still have sex and prevent both STIs and...
Tips on How to Save Failing Relationship
Giving up on a failing relationship could be one of the hardest choices one can make. Although we all yearn for a flawless relationship like the ones we see on TV, it is rarely the case. It is important to know that even the best of relationships have challenges....